Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Snow fun!

We got buried in over 2 feet of snow yesterday! (The forecast of 7-9 inches was a little off base.) It just didn’t stop snowing! Being that my husband works for the highway department he was out from early morning (4am) until dinner time (about 15 hours). As for me, the University delayed opening until 11 (and later closed) but we already had 18 inches in our driveway by 6am so I needed to get out there early so I could clear the driveway and get my car out. I’m not a fan of machines I don’t know how to use so I planned to shovel my way out. That was until I opened the garage door! I laughed and called my husband to learn how to run the snow blower. I didn’t time myself but it took maybe an hour and a half to get my side of the driveway cleared out. I was pretty proud of myself. It was a lot of manual labor considering I was using a machine but thankfully my muscles haven’t atrophied completely and I was able to get the job done. Afterwards I called my husband to give him an update and I told him that the hardest part was getting the blower back up the incline part of the driveway. It was slippery so I didn’t have a lot of traction and pulling that big heavy machine back up took a lot of effort. He asked me why I didn’t put it in reverse? WHAT?? There is a reverse?? “Yeah, that’s what the R is for” he said. If I could have smacked him through the phone I would have! That little nugget of info would have been helpful about 1 ½ hr earlier!!!! (I went back out later to finish his side of the driveway and let me tell you, that R is a fabulous thing!!!)

Big kudos to my mom for keeping an eye on the kids while I snowblowed. NO WAY could I have done that if she wasn’t there.

And a super big kudos to my husband because I have a much greater appreciation for what he does all winter long. Working all day (a loooong day) and then coming home and snowblowing some more, and then waking up at 3am to get back out there again. I didn’t have to work yesterday but snowblowing the little bit I did was more than enough to make me thoroughly exhausted!

Spring? Can you hear me? HURRY UP!!!!

That's me hanging on for dear life!

The view from my front door at 6am!

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