Monday, November 14, 2011

Some Old Fashion Fall Fun

Bud has been begging to be able to jump in a pile of leaves since August. We’ve been using our leaves to mulch into our garden so we haven’t been raking them (just using the lawn mower). Yesterday the weather was pretty warm, my husband was helping a friend at his house, and Babe was taking a nap so we decided to go outside for a bit. Bud was picking up leaves and throwing them around so I suggested we get some rakes and do it right! What ensued was one of the best times I’ve spent with Bud. There’s nothing quite like seeing your child so thoroughly enjoy a tradition that you yourself used to enjoy with similar gusto. I, however, never thought to run like a bull…

 He started by scuffing his feet at the ground.

 Then he came charging! Do you see his horns?

 He was really dedicated to the bull idea. He even held his horns in place in mid-air...

...and when he landed!

Then he came to spear me! Love you too Bud! (he underestimated my rear end though so when I turned around to avoid being gored he bounced off me and fell on the ground. Wahaha!

 Some good old leave jumping fun!

Long jumper?

It's raining leaves, hallelujah, it's raining leaves.

When we were done Bud decided to help his Dad by putting all of our leaves in the garden. He's a good kid!

And we ended the day with a little t-ball. (and singing We Wish You A Merry Christmas but my video is too long to upload here, which is really unfortunate.)

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  1. Awwww. I love that you got all the pictures too. You can tell him about this story when he's too cool for bull horns. :)

  2. What fun! These pictures will be such happy memories!

  3. :) That's really cute! I love that he did it 'bull style' :)
